The 90.5 acre Vanport Wetlands Mitigation site, owned and managed by the Port of Portland, will be open to the public on Monday, May 29, 2017 from 10 am to 3 pm as part of the Vanport Mosaic Festival tours of the historic Vanport site. Tours begin at the Portland Expo Center and pre-registration is encouraged. The site entrance is located across the street from the Expo Center. Visitors can stop by the wetlands, before or after their tour, to view birdlife using a spotting scope and try using a bird identification guide.
Vanport Wetlands is typically closed to the public with the exception of guided outreach and education events. The site is meant to provide important wildlife habitat within a highly urbanized setting. The Vanport Mosaic Festival provides a unique opportunity for access on the holiday.
Vanport Wetlands Facts:
- More than 100 species of birds and other wildlife use the site, including 98 species of birds, 12 mammals, and 6 herptiles.
- Vegetation types at the site include emergent wetland, scrub-shrub wetland, riparian and wetland forest, and grassland and pollinator habitats.
- The site received state and local honors including the Columbia Slough Watershed Council’s Achievement Award (2001) and the Oregon State Land Board Award for wetland restoration (2004).