It’s common to return a dirty rental car to PDX after an Oregon travel adventure. Companies must clean them quickly to make sure they’re ready for the next client, which requires labor, space, water and energy.
To meet growing demand, the Port of Portland will construct a Quick Turn-Around (QTA) facility at Portland International Airport to improve efficiency and reduce traffic congestion on Airport Way. The new two-story QTA will provide approximately 158,000 square feet on each level. The ground floor will offer a large-scale fueling and washing operation, while the second floor will be used for storage. Extensive piping, data and controls are needed, and there are 14,000 square feet of office space to meet operator and rental car company needs.
In designing the new facility, the Port of Portland prioritized aesthetics and sustainability. The new facility adopts the design language of our Platinum LEED-certified headquarters. It will mostly be screened from public view through aluminum screening panels, weathered steel walls and landscaping berms.
Several building features focus on sustainability. Water conservation tops the list, as rental cars are washed upon return. The 60,000 gallons of wash water used each day will not require use of treated City of Portland potable water; instead, this water will be primarily sourced from a new well, rainwater harvesting and recycling of wastewater. LED lighting throughout the building will provide long-lasting and energy efficient illumination for the relatively high light levels required by this operation. The Port’s waste minimization program will offer waste recycling options.
The QTA construction project is scheduled to begin in early 2016 and wrap up by 2018. The next time you muddy your rental, think of the QTA and our sustainable solutions!