St. Johns Truck Traffic Meeting and New Soccer Field at James John Elementary

The Oregonian covers a recent Portland Bureau of Transportation open house on truck traffic through St. Johns, primarily on North Fessenden/St. Louis. The trucks are disruptive to neighbors, who are advocating for pedestrian improvements and for trucks to use North Lombard and Burgard roads, which have had numerous improvements over the past few years.


PBOT will host another public event later this year. Residents can also attend the next Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting, scheduled for Thursday, December 15, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., at BES Pollution Control Lab, 6543 N. Burlington Ave.


In other St. Johns news, congratulations to James John Elementary on its new playground, which was made possible by funding and assistance from Adidas, the Portland Timbers, and many others.


Port staff members visit James John Elementary in St. Johns regularly. Brooke Berglund, marine outreach manager for the Port, takes the “Where in the World” educational program to all third, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms, where she engages kids in fun activities about trade, transportation, and the Port’s environmental programs.


After all that learning, students need some exercise, and the playground includes play equipment and a new soccer field, which was quickly put to test by kids and Portland Timbers players alike at the November 15th ribbon cutting ceremony.